"Loaded Brush introduces Art Jamming, the global revolution in creative entertainment. Art is no longer static;
it’s a dynamic, interactive event. Unleash your creative spirit and experience the fun and freedom of our paint
Uhhh... TL;DR, Looks like an online store. Browse their stuffs that ranges from Impressionistic and contemporary styles to some other self-explanatory stuffs
"The Loaded Brush is the Northwest Louisiana chapter of the National Society of Decorative Painters. We meet monthly at the Southern Hills Church of Christ in Shreveport for fun, fellowship, and painting. Our members come not only from Shreveport and Bossier City, but throughout the Ark-La-Tex area. "
The usual disclaimer that I'm not endorsing any of the following links (though if something creative/positive has happened to you while browsing through the above-listed sites, then YMMD